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AI-backed job screening that converts more, while saving you time

No recruiter calls or tests to get started 🎉
Life before spotted 😔
Your using job sites with poor filters
Recruiter offers don’t fit your profile
Rejections are demotivating you
Jobs with really bad data points
Your not getting headhunted much
Too many job sites, poor organization
Life after spotted 🥳
Filters auto-applied for your search
Recruiters with tailored job offers
Less rejections and more positivity
More job data, better decisions
Way more offers from recruiters
1 superior platform built for you

Apply to jobs and get spotted by recruiters trusted by 👇

Land better offers.

🔎 There's millions of jobs... start by filtering them!
Apply to AI cherry picked jobs & get matched through your preferences to specialist recruiters.
Has your job search got you feeling like this? 😤😔
Stop wasting time on other platforms taking tests & repetitively entering the same details.

Imagine your job search, refactored.

Win more time
Skip screening calls, job applications & cover letters.
Boost your career
Keep on the market for the right job to come your way.
Feel happier
Less rejections, less ghosting, less chasing up feedback

Get spotted by local and remote companies worldwide

Permanent contracts
Freelance contracts
Full-time work
Freelance gigs
Part-time work
Founder roles
Full-time work
Freelance gigs
Part-time work
Side hustles
Founder roles
Code reviews
Full-time work
Freelance gigs
Part-time work
Side hustles
Founder roles
Full-time work
Freelance gigs
Part-time work
Side hustles
Founder roles
Code reviews
Full-time work
Freelance gigs

AI-power that ticks all of your boxes✅

We accurately deliver jobs that align with your preferences and CV, and match you with specialist recruiters.

Hate taking tests? Want remote or hybrid work only 1-2 days a week? Want 4 day weeks? We'll filter the jobs you want.

Auto-apply to jobs with a human touch ✨

With hundreds applying to the same job as you, it's becoming more difficult for recruiters to shortlist people!

Stop using auto-apply software, instead use personal recruiters to give your application the edge over others.

Less bias, more interaction, more offers 👌

Ever thought that maybe your location, ethnicity, gender, age or appearance is stopping you from getting more job offers?

Companies select the Spotted platform in an active effort to remove unconcious bias from the early stages of recruiting.

Ready to start unlocking higher salaries?🔓

Companies using Spotted are more likely to offer you a better salary as we offer a job board and AI matches with NO FEES.

Get paid what your worth - when companies work with us on an agency model, our recruiters will get you better offers.

Less rejections and way more feedback 🤗

Sick of seeing "on this occasion, we've decided to progress with other candidates" without any proper feedback?

Get feedback in realtime before you apply and guaranteed feedback within 48 hours of applying.

Keep your job search super organized 🤌

Improve your visualization with a free job application tracker populated by the jobs you apply for on Spotted.

Use our chrome extension to bring jobs you apply  for on other platforms to your free job tracker.

🤝 Join our inclusive hub for diverse talent

We welcome all job seekers to use our platform, regardless of your age, location, sex, skills and more.

Junior and non-English speaking job seekers are absolutely welcome too (unlike some other platforms 👀)

Spend minutes. Gain hours. Get hired.

Worth a spot???
No recruiter calls or tests to get started 🎉

Thousands of job adverts. Hundreds of companies. Spot yours. 🔎


Built from 20+ years of first-hand experience.

Hires between us
Scale ups & Start ups
Blue chip enterprises

Got questions?
We've got answers

What job roles can I get spotted for?

Multiple roles, including tech, product, sales, marketing & more, from small startups, large blue chip enterprises and every company in between.

Can I apply for jobs on spotted?

Absolutely! Not only that, but once you sign up you'll get matched with roles you've not applied to and company recruiters will reach out to you directly.

After I apply on Spotted, can I go direct?

Our advice - it's best not to, (unless we advise you to) doing so will mean a full re-qualification (manually) by companies that are already evaluating 100's of others.

What working locations are on spotted?

Remote, hybrid and office based. Some companies let you work from home, others let you work from anywhere! - from coffee shops in Barcelona to beaches in Bali 👌

Can I apply to companies directly?

Our advice - use spotted as a first resort, and combine it with other job search methods if you need to. Wouldn't it be great if you landed a job without applying?

Sooo, what's with the giraffes anyway?

Well, giraffes only need 5-30 minutes of sleep per day, so they can pretty much work non-stop on your job search. When they sleep our human spotters get to work!

Try us out today, we're guaranteed to knock your spots off.